The Winner

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The winner in single board StrategiChessTM games is the player that has succeeded in checkmating his opponents’ King. Resignation is allowed and regular chess rules concerning stalemate also apply.

In multi-board games, Kings may be “captured” ( after being checkmated ) just as any other piece is, and then removed from the board. However, the player who has lost his King may continue to play on. This is because of the inter-dependencies of all boards and players within each team.

To capture a King, the King must first be checkmated. It is not necessary for the capturing player to move one of his pieces to the King’s square; simply, when checkmate is achieved, the checked King is removed and the player who has lost his King then makes the next move.

The player who has lost his King must play on. He may continue trying to capture his opponents King. Alternatively he may choose to gradually shift his pieces, move by move, to reinforce a neighbouring board and team player. A winning player on any board may not shift his King to a neighbouring board.

Resignation is not permitted. If a player refuses or is unable to continue playing, the team may appoint a substitute player, either an existing player or a reserve.

The winner is the team which has succeeded in taking all of the opposing teams Kings except for the last one, which is checkmated as in regular Chess. Alternatively if, due to time constraints, the game has to end prematurely, the winning team is the one with the most Kings left on their boards.