The Board

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The 14x14 squares board has four horizontal lines on it (red in the above illustration). These divide the two horizontal rows at each base of the board (as perceived by the players), and the two central horizontal rows, from the rest of the board. These double rows are the equivalent of “roads” on the battlefield and they enable Pawns to make a horizontal move when placed on these six rows of the board.

Regular Chess pieces are used - there are no new pieces.

Chess opening for beginners

The pieces are placed on the two rows immediately in front of the board base “road”, i.e. on rows 3 and 4 and rows 11 and 12. Rows 1 and 2, and rows 13 and 14 are left empty. As in regular Chess, the front row comprises entirely of Pawns. Also as in regular Chess, the King and Queen are placed on the centre two squares of the rear rank of pieces. The extreme edge pieces are Castles, next to which are Knights, then Bishops.

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