Where to Buy StrategiChess™

What is StrategiChess? The Board and Pieces The Rules The Winner Where to buy StrategiChess

StrategiChessTM is available as a boxed set containing a board and two regular (F.I.D.E.) sets of chess pieces.

The pieces are wood (king height 2.5“ / 65mm). The 14x14 board is a leatherette-style folding board with squares of 1 3/8” / 35mm, total size 19“ / 485mm square.



Boxed sets are available online at strategichess.com or from major games and toy retailers.

Deluxe larger double-weighted wooden pieces in Rosewood and Sheeshamwood are available too (see photos of games in play) and also in triple-weighted Ebony (see King & Queen photos).

Deluxe wooden boards complement the larger wooden piece sets for a wonderful StrategiChess™ set.

Larger piece sets and wooden boards are only available online at strategichess.com

StrategiChessTM™ is a TradeMark of newChessGames Ltd, Hartland Forest Golf Club, Bideford, Devon, EX39 5RA, UK

strategichess.com visit this online shop to purchase StrategiChess

www.chessvariants.com visit this site for information about many more Chess variant games

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