If Chess could be said to have one significant drawback as a board game,
it is its limitation of just two players. Where is the Chess equivalent
of the family favourite board games such as monopoly? Chess
has never provided the opportunity to play as a genuine team game in the
sense of many players participating in the same game.
contemplated the design of a new form of Chess; one which would substantially
increase the range of strategies available by virtue of a larger board
with many more pieces, and thereby correspondingly increase the interest
and appeal of the game, plus, significantly, provide mechanisms and
rules so that the game could, optionally, be played with more than 2
players as a team game. Great, in the accepted Chess terminology,
signifying a board larger than the regular 8x8 squares. I did not wish
to totally depart from the universally popular familiarity of the traditional
Chess game, i.e. the abstract chequered board and the accepted pieces.
This began to seem quite a challenge - Chess, but Chess on a different
scale. First I defined the larger board, I resolved to retain exactly
the same pieces as regular Chess to make the game easy for existing
Chess players to grasp; then I incorporated some very minor move changes,
and quickly it was there.
My son and I assembled the game initially in its team form, with three
boards placed alongside each other. It certainly looked breathtaking
- here indeed was Chess excitement again! In fact, this was much more
than we were capable of controlling with any great depth of thought
for future moves. As we discovered, even just one board presented a
far greater range and complexity of potential moves than regular Chess.
However, a true team game had been created and in subsequent testing
this proved to be highly enjoyable and often amusing due to the problematical
difficulties any single board player could find themselves in when attacked
by several opposing players acting in concert!
StrategiChess is truly unique. I feel sure that Chess
aficionados of all ages and skills will enjoy it! Alan Cartwright (
co-designer with my son, Ali ), May 2025
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